Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day 2 of Juice Feasting

This is my very first post!! I've never blogged before. "Blog" is such a funny word.

Today is the second day of my juice feasting!! I started eating about 90% raw last month. I have so much to learn! As soon as I got my tax return, I bought a dehydrator, a better juicer, and a vitamix. I have been researching recipes and trying out a lot of new things. My favorite website to find recipes is

I am doing this juice feast to get rid of toxins in my body.

Plus summer is coming soon and I want to be in shape!!! I have never done a juice feast before and I am taking it day by day. My goal is to end my juice feast on June 7th. I know, I's a big goal since it's my first time. But I can be stubborn and I will stick to something just for the sake of doing it.

I have been reading so many wonderful blogs out there. You guys are all great. I was hesitant to start this blog. I'm not sure how it will turn out. I hope to get some time to make it look colorful and nice.

I have decided to post information that I come across during my search for raw life information. And I will also let you know what comes up during my journey; all the trials and tribulations and the joys and transformations.

Be Raw!!!

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